
Integrity involves being honest, ethical, and principled. It includes accepting feedback positively, acting transparently, following ethical standards, and taking responsibility for actions.


Passion entails dedicated enthusiasm for learning and education. It includes learning, asking questions, demonstrating commitment, seeking improvement, and inspiring others through genuine enthusiasm for work.


Unity involves working harmoniously towards a shared goal by providing mentorship, valuing backgrounds, collaborating, offering support during challenges, and celebrating successes together.



Engagement entails active participation in tasks, offering feedback, fostering relationships, contributing to committees, supporting students beyond school hours, and going above and beyond for the community.

Spring 2024 Recipients

Several outstanding staff members were nominated in each core value category.  Below are the Jackson County Central first group of Core Value recipients.
Jamie Janssen
Admin Asst (MS)
Jamie Janssen


"I know that if I call or email, I will get the correct answer. She keeps the school running and is always willing to help."

Rachael Mitchell
Teacher, 2nd Grade
Rachael Mitchell


"Rachael's passion for this job is clear as day from her engaging class activities to her numerous volunteer jobs to her willingness to help others and to have fun. JCC is lucky to have her!"

Andrea Sitzmann
Teacher, ELL/Math
Andrea Sitzmann


"Andrea has been a wonderful PBIS coach. She is positive, implements new ideas, provides support and cares about all kids and staff." 

Jake Johnson
Teacher, Sp Ed (HS)
Jake Johnson


"Follows all guidelines in the special education world. He is a leader in the department. He ensures the team operates smoothly and as a cohesive unit. He ensures students are given opportunities in all educational environments."

Anglela Beckel
Teacher Integrationist
Angela Beckel


"Angie genuinely cares about staff and is alwyas willing to listen and encourage. She helps new staff and supports all staf. So grateful for her work in our district!"