District Office

Business Office


Business Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday 8:00 a.m. to Noon

Barry Schmidt


Maria Bezdicek

Business Manager

Kristy Doolittle


Emily Anderson

HR/Accounts Payable Clerk

Rachel Haar

Administrative Assistant/MARSS

Image of Barry Schmidt

From the Desk of Superintendent Barry Schmidt

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,


Welcome back to Jackson County Central Schools for the 2023-24 school year! As your Superintendent, I am thrilled to begin another year of learning, growth, and achievement in our exceptional school district. 

I hope this letter finds you well and filled with anticipation for the upcoming school year. Over the summer, our dedicated staff has been busy refining our curriculum, enhancing our facilities, and implementing innovative programs to ensure that our students receive the highest quality education possible. 

Throughout this school year, we will continue to emphasize the development of critical thinking, problem-solving collaboration, and creativity. Our goal is to equip our students with the skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world. We will also place a strong emphasis on promoting literacy and preparing our students for challenges and opportunities.  

Parents and guardians, your partnership is crucial to the success of our students. We encourage you to engage actively with your child's education and maintain open lines of communication with our teachers and administrators. Together, we can create a strong support system that ensures out students reach their full potential.

I invite you to take advantage of the various opportunities for involvement in our school district. Attend parent-teacher conference, participate in school events, or consider volunteering your time and skills. Your active engagement will not only benefit your child but will also contribute to the overall success of our school community.

Throughout the year, we will keep you informed about important updates, events, and initiatives through our website, newsletters, social media channels, and automated notification systems. We encourage you to stay connected and remain updated about the exciting happenings in our schools.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. I look forward to working closely with all of you as we embark in this remarkable journey of learning and growth.


Barry Schmidt


Jackson County Central